These Pro-Abortion Protestors Have No Clue Hobby Lobby Already Covers Contraception |

Clueless Protestors

The main issue in the Hobby Lobby case the Supreme Court decided yesterday was whether or not it and other businesses run by owners with pro-life values would be able to opt out of having to pay for abortion-causing drugs under the Obama HHS mandate. But to hear it from the pro-abortion side, Hobby Lobby and pro-life advocates supposedly want to ban contraception. Click to watch pro-abortion supporters at the Supreme Court demonstrate they have no idea what was at stake in the Supreme Court case. As Kelsey Harkness of the Daily Signal writes, “Although caricatured as anti-contraception, Hobby Lobby already provides coverage for 16 of the 20 drugs mandated by Obamacare. Outside the… [Read more at].

Editor’s Notes:

The protestor’s sign reads “Access to Birth Control – #Not My Boss Business” [sic]. Yet by very definition, that for which I am required to pay, as a business owner, is exactly “my business.” Paying for abortifacient drugs (i.e. that cause abortion) is against my religious convictions and conscientious scruples, and therefore it is wrong to require my closely-held corporation (for instance, a family-owned business) to pay for it. So agreed the US Supreme Court.

When it comes to the so-called “right” to murder their unborn children, the loonies croon over how “the Supreme Court gives them the right!” Yet when the SCOTUS rules in favor of protecting religious freedom, suddenly the loonies say the Supreme Court are “#@$%& idiots!” (The implied expletives are not any “exaggeration for effect”; the expletives they’ve actually used in their public tweets are far too crude for us to even hint at here.)