Category Archives: Statewide WVFL News

West Virginia on Its Way to Being 11th State To Protect Unborn Babies Who Can Feel Pain

25 Canyon Road, Morgantown, WV 26508 ~ 304-594-9845 ~ ~

Sunday, March 9, 2014

For more information:
John Carey, WVFL Legislative Coordinator (304) 276-1803
Dr. Wanda Franz, WVFL President (304) 599-0768


West Virginians for Life (WVFL) is pleased to report that the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, HB 4588, passed in the West Virginia Senate on the final day of the session, Saturday, March 8, by a vote of 29-5. The Senate approved an amended version of the bill, which had been passed earlier by the House of Delegates.  The House had to concur with the Senate changes before final passage, 83-15.

On February 11, a Motion to Discharge the committee was brought by House Minority Leader, Delegate Tim Armstead, on the same day as the annual Pro-Life Rally & Day at the Legislature.  While galleries full of pro-life constituents watched, the vote ended in a 48-48 loss.  Two Democrats crossed party lines to support the discharge of the bill: Delegates Rick Moye and Jeff Eldridge.  However, the very next day, the bill was revived and eventually passed the House overwhelmingly by a 79-17 margin.

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act will protect West Virginia’s unborn babies, who can feel pain, and asserts a compelling state interest in protecting the unborn child from pain.  Scientific research demonstrates that unborn babies can feel pain beginning by at least 20 weeks after conception.  “It is important that West Virginia has asserted its legitimate concern for the well-being of these innocent babies by protecting them from pain,” said Wanda Franz, President of WVFL.

West Virginia will now join eight states where the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act went into effect without being challenged in the Courts.  In two states, the law has been enjoined and challenged in state courts.

West Virginians for Life, the state affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee, is the state’s largest pro-life group with more than 35 local pro-life chapters. West Virginians for Life works through education, legislation and political action to protect those threatened by abortion, infanticide and euthanasia.

West Virginia on Its Way to Being 11th State To Protect Unborn Babies Who Can Feel Pain

25 Canyon Road, Morgantown, WV 26508 ~ 304-594-9845 ~ ~

Sunday, March 9, 2014

For more information:
John Carey, WVFL Legislative Coordinator (304) 276-1803
Dr. Wanda Franz, WVFL President (304) 599-0768


West Virginians for Life (WVFL) is pleased to report that the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, HB 4588, passed in the West Virginia Senate on the final day of the session, Saturday, March 8, by a vote of 29-5. The Senate approved an amended version of the bill, which had been passed earlier by the House of Delegates.  The House had to concur with the Senate changes before final passage, 83-15.

On February 11, a Motion to Discharge the committee was brought by House Minority Leader, Delegate Tim Armstead, on the same day as the annual Pro-Life Rally & Day at the Legislature.  While galleries full of pro-life constituents watched, the vote ended in a 48-48 loss.  Two Democrats crossed party lines to support the discharge of the bill: Delegates Rick Moye and Jeff Eldridge.  However, the very next day, the bill was revived and eventually passed the House overwhelmingly by a 79-17 margin.

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act will protect West Virginia’s unborn babies, who can feel pain, and asserts a compelling state interest in protecting the unborn child from pain.  Scientific research demonstrates that unborn babies can feel pain beginning by at least 20 weeks after conception.  “It is important that West Virginia has asserted its legitimate concern for the well-being of these innocent babies by protecting them from pain,” said Wanda Franz, President of WVFL.

West Virginia will now join eight states where the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act went into effect without being challenged in the Courts.  In two states, the law has been enjoined and challenged in state courts.

West Virginians for Life, the state affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee, is the state’s largest pro-life group with more than 35 local pro-life chapters. West Virginians for Life works through education, legislation and political action to protect those threatened by abortion, infanticide and euthanasia.

West Virginia House Panel Passes Bill Banning Abortions After 20 Weeks |

Unborn babies who are capable of feeling pain won a great victory in the West Virginia House of Delegates today. The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.B. 4588) passed out of the House Health and Human Resources Committee without debate on February 17, 2014.

This legislation will protect West Virginia’s unborn babies who can feel pain from a gruesome death by dismemberment or other horrific late abortion techniques. Substantial medical evidence demonstrates the baby’s ability to feel pain is present by 20 weeks of life.

After being double-referenced to two committees in the … [read more via West Virginia House Panel Passes Bill Banning Abortions After 20 Weeks |].

Revival in the WV House of Delegates! | NRL News Today

CHARLESTON, WV – Unborn babies who are capable of feeling pain won a great victory in the West Virginia House of Delegates today. The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.B. 4588) passed out of the House Health and Human Resources Committee without debate on February 17, 2014.

This legislation will protect West Virginia’s unborn babies who can feel pain from a gruesome death by dismemberment or other horrific late abortion techniques. Substantial medical evidence demonstrates the baby’s ability to feel pain is present by 20 weeks of life.

After being double-referenced to two committees in the House, The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.B.4588 – formerly H.B.2364) was essentially dead in committee – just as in years past.

The bill experienced a revival on Tuesday, February 11, 2014, when a Motion to Discharge the committee reference was offered by… [read more via Revival in the WV House of Delegates! | NRL News Today].

Update on Pain Capable Child Protection Act

Last week was our annual West Virginians for Life Day at the Legislature in Charleston. The capitol is a very beautiful, but it is sick inside. We had hundreds of people there to encourage our representatives to “Vote to Discharge” a bill from our Health Committee. The bill is the Pain Capable Child Protection Act, written to stop abortion after twenty weeks post-fertilization. It failed to make it out of committee by a vote of 48 to 48. Any bills written by West Virginians for Life are noted into law, if they can get out of committee. That is where they get us every time. (They have been doing this for 29 years.) We got word last night that they are going to allow a “reconsideration” of the bill, tomorrow. Please pray. Pray for the pro-life delegates to be bold and unyielding. Pray that Satan’s plans will be thwarted and that the enemies will be confused. Every year that pro-life bills die in committee, babies are dying from inaction. I thank God for what He is going to do. Thanks.

To see a video explaining scientific support for the fact that preborn babies are capable of feeling pain early in the gestation period, click here.

Former Billy Graham writer to lead Family Policy Council of West Virginia | Family Policy of WV

Billygraham-420x280The Board of Directors of the Family Policy Council of West Virginia has formally named Allen Whitt as the new President of the state’s leading faith-based public policy organization. Whitt is a former media writer and consultant for Dr. Billy Graham. He also served as Assistant to the President for Dr. James Dobson while at the international radio ministry Focus on the Family. Whitt is returning home to Appalachia after winning several pro-life and pro-family legislative victories in his roll as the Director of Policy for the Montana Family Policy Council. He is the successor to Jeremy Dys who pioneered the post for six years. Dys, now Senior Counsel for the Liberty Institute based in Dallas, TX, continues the fight for freedom by litigating cases to restore religious liberty according to the vision of the founding fathers. Chairman of the Council’s Board of Directors Jim Larrita, said, “Opposition groups on the left have recently… [Read more at the Family Policy of WV website.

FREE Web Sites for WVFL State Chapters

Wanda Franz, President, West Virginians for Life

Wanda Franz, President, West Virginians for Life

Pastor Doug Joseph, Harrison County West Virginians for Life

Pastor Doug Joseph, Harrison County West Virginians for Life

Harrison County WVFL is pleased to announce WVFL Chapters, a website network intended to house sites for each local chapter of West Virginians for Life. The network is the brainchild of Pastor Doug Joseph, of Clarksburg, working in conjunction with Linda Oldack (Harrison County chapter president), also of Clarksburg, and Wanda Franz (WVFL statewide president), of Morgantown. Joseph recently joined the Harrison County chapter’s planning committee, and there it was mentioned that their local chapter was then without any web presence. Joseph, who has extensive experience in web development (as well as in graphic arts), had recently built such a site network for his statewide church organization (the WV District of the United Pentecostal Church International), while he was head of their district missions department (he is now presbyter, serving the section covering north-central WV and the northern panhandle). That network made it possible for the department to offer web services to their member churches. Knowing the same technology could work here, Joseph offered the idea to Oldack at the monthly planning meeting. Soon afterward, Oldack discussed the idea with Franz. Tentative plans are for Joseph to present the full details of the concept to Franz and others in Morgantown, demonstrated by showing a working model of the Harrison County site, which could then be duplicated and edited as needed to create other chapter sites.