Category Archives: Nationwide ProLife News

President Trump declares Jan. 22 National Sanctity of Human Life Day

In a proclamation signed on Monday, January 22, 2020, President Trump declared the day as “National Sanctity of Human Life Day.”

“Every person – the born and unborn, the poor, the downcast, the disabled, the infirm, and the elderly – has inherent value. The rights of all people must be defended.”

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Following in the footsteps of past presidents, President Trump issued a declaration today affirming the dignity of human life.

January 22, 2020 is the 47th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion in all 50 states around the country. Since the decision, more that 60 million preborn babies have been killed.

The court’s decision has resulted in a tragic amount of loss of life. Intriguingly, despite the popular pro-choice slogan “no uterus no opinion,” the decision was made by nine unelected, unaccountable men.

To mark the somber occasion and push forward in the fight for life, President Trump proclaimed January 22nd as “National Sanctity of Human Life Day.” Presidents Reagan, H.W. Bush, W. Bush and Trump have issued annual declarations on or around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Presidents Clinton and Obama refused to issue the proclamations during their administrations.

President Trump’s proclamation began by affirming the dignity of human life. “Every person — the born and unborn, the poor, the downcast, the disabled, the infirm, and the elderly — has inherent value,” it began. The declaration went on to praise the recent decreases in annual abortions in the United States. It notes that the rate of abortions decreased by 24 percent between 2007 and….

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Mom Regains Custody of 10-Month-Old Son Who Was Taken By CPS ‘Because She Left the Hospital Too Quickly’

Judge: “There is nothing in the record which would lead this court to believe that the mother is unwilling to provide the appropriate care for the child.”

A Minnesota mom whose 10-month-old son was taken from her by child protective services because she didn’t stick around the hospital for a second opinion on his cough finally regained custody—four months and six court dates later. The judge ruled that the nurse who claimed Amanda Weber’s actions left her child, Zayvion, in “danger of dying,” had engaged in “disinformation.”

According to Fox 9:

It all started in May when Weber brought Zayvion to Children’s Hospital for a cough. Doctors determined Zayvion was fine and stable, and after a long wait for another doctor, Weber wanted to go home and signed that she was leaving against medical advice. The next day, Zayvion was immediately taken away by CPS for medical neglect.

After Zayvion was taken, Weber began her fight to get him back. The county declared that Weber had deprived her son of necessary medical care. Weber denied this, asserting that both the social worker and a doctor on the case had acted “in bad faith and with malice.”

Last week, Judge Leonard Weiler agreed. He ruled there was zero evidence of medical neglect on the mom’s part, and that she had acted within her rights in taking Zayvion home.


Rep. Dan Crenshaw rebuts Bernie Sanders’ bogus claim that “abortion is a constitutional right”

Radically pro-abortion Sen. Bernie Sanders, while campaigning for the highest office of the nation, had the indecency to describe the senseless killing of innocent, defenseless human beings as a “constitutional right.” He tweeted that, “Abortion is a constitutional right – not a privilege for those who can afford it.”

Many Americans think “rights” are for all, while “privileges” are for some, yet “right” and “privilege” are actually synonyms. The two words have historically meant exactly the same. Thus, in our Declaration of Independence, the Founders placed a couple of crucial modifiers in front of “rights” — to denote a short list of “certain inalienable rights” so as to describe them as being set apart from normal, mere rights (i.e. privileges), because these certain ones are given by God and are “inalienable.” Thus we point out that God never gave human mothers an inalienable right to destroy their own offspring while their babies are still in the womb, the place where they ought to be most protected, not exposed to being killed. Furthermore, the Founders explicitly included the God-given right to life as the top of that short list of actual inalienable rights. One cannot have their right to life be inalienable, secured and always honored, so long as someone else is legally permitted to kill them. Bernie Sanders, being Jewish, ought to remember well that the biblical Book of Esther describes exactly such an instance, when Jewish citizens’ right to life was not secure because a law decreed that Jews could legally be killed without any consequence of punishment.

Pro-life Rep. Dan Crenshaw (follow him on Facebook / Twitter) powerfully responded to Bernie Sanders’ atrocious, bogus claim, by tweeting back that,

PS: For any who are wondering why there should be two different words, right and privilege, that mean the same, consider that “right” is from Old English, while “privilege” is a borrow word from French — one of many. We have many such dual-word instances: drink (English) and beverage (French); and fight (English) and battle (French) are just two more examples of a very common duality in our language, due to its rich history.

-Pastor Doug Joseph
State Treasurer,
West Virginians For Life

Babies Born Alive After Abortion Can be Left to Die in 16 States


Family Research Council today released a first-of-its-kind set of maps showing the strength of born-alive abortion survivor protection laws and the legal status of late term abortion in every state. Protections for born-alive abortion survivors became a national conversation when New York and Illinois walked back their protections earlier this year, removing existing protections for infants born alive during failed abortion attempts.

According to research conducted by Family Research Council, only fifteen states provide strong protections for born-alive abortion survivors, and only eight require reporting on infants who survive abortion. The maps also show which states have no laws protecting born-alive abortion survivors, which states allow abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, and some surprising differences between those lists.

Sixteen states have no laws protecting born-alive abortion survivors: Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Oregon, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, New Mexico, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Utah, Vermont, and West Virginia.

Twenty-two states allow abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, either directly or indirectly: Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming.

Quena González, Director of State and Local Affairs at Family Research Council, said this was a direct result of what he called the “wave election” of 2010:

“The 2010 election cycle saw a record number of state-level Republicans elected. Many of them were pro-life, and as their majorities in legislatures and statehouses across the country continued to increase throughout the Obama administration, they enacted pro-life laws at a record pace.


West Virginians For Life is proposing new state legislation for the upcoming session that would outlaw leaving a baby to die after he or she survives an abortion.



Martin Luther King Jr’s Niece: “Women Have Right to Choose What to Do With Their Body, Not the Baby’s Body”

When abortion activists talk about supporting women’s rights, they forget about the women who are not yet born, the niece of civil rights advocate Martin Luther King Jr. told students at Georgia Tech on Oct. 1.

Dr. Alveda King continues to champion the civil rights cause of her famous family by advocating for the most vulnerable people in the world today: unborn babies. Technique, a student newspaper at Georgia Tech, reported about her speech hosted by the college Students for Life club.

“I believe in women’s rights, but you know many of those little babies in the womb are women,” King told the crowd. “So you have to ask this question. A woman has the right to choose what she does with her body, but the baby’s not her body. So you have to ask next, where’s the lawyer for the baby?”


Supreme Court to review Louisiana abortion regulations, could mean the end of Roe

The U.S. Supreme Court announced Friday it will take up the case of Louisiana’s admitting privileges law, which could have the potential of upending the high court’s most recent pro-abortion precedent.

The court announced Friday it has decided to review June Medical Services LLC v. Gee, NPR reports. The case concerns Louisiana’s Act 620, which requires abortion centers to make arrangements for admitting women to hospitals within 30 miles in cases of life-threatening complications. The abortion industry’s attorneys argue the law is no different from the Texas law the Supreme Court struck down in 2016’s Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt; pro-lifers argue that not only was Hellerstedt wrongly decided, but that the Louisiana law is different from the Texas one.


Petition to end Roe presented at Supreme Court today with quarter of a million signatures

A petition to end Roe v. Wade was delivered to the Supreme Court yesterday with a quarter of a million signatures.

“We urgently plead with… the United States Supreme Court to do the right thing as you did in one of your greatest cases, Brown v. Board of Education, which overturned a 58-year-old precedent of the United States.”

Click here to sign the petition yourself. Click below to read more:

Petition to end Roe presented at Supreme Court today with quarter of a million signatures