Joe Biden Wins Super Tuesday, Will Force Americans to Fund Planned Parenthood

Pro-Abortion Joe Biden Wins Big in Super Tuesday States, Finishes Ahead of Bernie Sanders

“Joe Biden, the former pro-abortion Vice President, is winning big … on Super Tuesday, as he is pulling in more delegates than fellow abortion activist Bernie Sanders. Biden won the Virginia and North Carolina Democratic primaries along with contests in Alabama and Tennessee.

“Biden is finishing in many states ahead of Sanders and holds leads in Massachusetts and Oklahoma as well as Arkansas and Minnesota, while Sanders won his home state of Vermont as well as Colorado.

“Sanders hopes to be able to collect a large number of delegates from California and Texas and, with 37% in, Sanders holds a lead in Texas at this time. California has yet to report any results as of this writing.

“Biden has been boosted by two of the top candidates pulling out and supporting him. First Pete Buttigieg dropped out on Sunday. On Monday, Amy Klobuchar called it quits.

“The pro-abortion Democrat presidential candidates have ended their campaigns to coalesce around pro-abortion former Vice President Joe Biden. They want to prevent abortion activist Bernie Sanders from becoming the nominee….”