WVFL Annual State Convention 2019
Click below for all the details: Annual State Convention 2023
Click below for all the details: Annual State Convention 2023
21st Annual Rose Dinner April 4 @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Tickets are $50 The 21st Annual Rose Dinner on Thursday, April 4, 2019 at the Holiday Inn in Morgantown, WV will feature Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Executive Director Alex Schadenberg. • Silent Auction, starts at 6:00 p.m. All the monies will go to the Educational Trust Fund •
The following Letter to the Editor was submitted to, and accepted by, the Charleston Daily Mail. The editor responded saying they will publish the letter, and even better, that the paper will endorse a “YES” on Amendment 1, using the letter’s explanation as to why. The author, Mary Tillman, serves on the state board of West Virginians
Just a quick reminder of a free resource available for churches for the upcoming annual “Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day,” as we posted previously. Churches: for use on ‘Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day’ – free from WV For Life West Virginians For Life encourages churches in WV to show this video on or near
Yes on 1 Billboards around WV Please consider joining with our West Virginians For Life county chapters and their supporters/donors as we “foot the bill” for installing large interstate billboards around the state, encouraging West Virginians to vote “YES on Amendment 1” on November 6 to stop tax-payer funding of elective abortions! Below is a mock-up of
West Virginians For Life encourages churches in WV to show this video on or near October 15, for the annual “Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day” and to consider receiving an offering for West Virginians For Life, to help continue the crucial work being done. Thank you! PLEASE LIKE & SHARE!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 28, 2017 For more information contact: Karen Cross, WVFL Legis. Coordinator (202) 200-1973 Wanda Franz, Ph.D., WVFL President (304) 599-0768 WEST VIRGINIA GOVERNOR JUSTICE SIGNS TWO PRO-LIFE BILLS West Virginia becomes the 31st state to enact a meaningful Parent’s Right to Know Act. HB 2002, was successfully amended in the Senate and