Category Archives: Politics
VIDEO: Recent State Pro-Life Laws – James Bopp, Jr. J.D. at NRLC Convention 2019
Big Tech Bias — Blocking Pro-Life Groups From Advertising
Pro-life groups/ads have been blocked by Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, et al. As reported by IrishCentral and Lifesite: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook deliberately banned pro-life ads from the US during the Irish abortion referendum after the Irish government told them they had no laws either way to cover such foreign advertising. The
CBS, NBC May Join Netflix and Disney in Boycotting Georgia After It Banned Abortions
From “In recent years, Georgia has become something of a second home for Hollywood as the state has opened itself up to filmmakers. But ever since the state took a stand to defend the lives of the unborn, the liberal elites on the other side of the country have demanded Georgia bend to their will
Senator Lindsey Graham (and other leaders) speak in support of Federal Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act[0]=68.ARDr0Tw7Efk4eQJFdtCDDexQm2QYMfCDejqzFHtC5Dyt28nY7jsGSPskSdv46xjvr1NuDLHKShFBINbafn3aBPfnZmWechiUaRipqAjPZGr8iBYxPRv0U0AkjBWy52fEAASqTaEYQWJlMTwrixLzYvlmknhg6Lx2B3SU9gKZNTJsKSmq3YGuPThHK1m7yVTZR7FyWQyVIax5vef2ap5pxPe1-PCOHKzh7TKOeg3m6Mk3gyfjn0AOcySQwKYaYjbNHi1zvncaz7T7i-w_J6US0R5Nn7i9FXenEYc_Aq32I-qzf-CJfp3IPTHtZtKX_V3JIdFn&__tn__=FC-R
New Mexico Senate defeats extreme abortion bill
In a surprising vote, the New Mexico Senate voted down HB-51, an extreme abortion bill that sought to ensure legal abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, remove parental notification, and force doctors to commit abortions despite their moral objections. In a vote of 18 in favor to 24 against, eight Democrats voted against the
“Kavanaugh debate was about abortion” – Ben Shapiro – Election Special – Abortion Segment
“The word ‘abortion’ is itself is a euphemism,” Shapiro says. “The procedure of abortion isn’t an anodyne polyp removal. It involves doing terminal violence to an unborn child. Ignoring that fact allows abortion advocates to avoid looking reality directly in the face…. This is a picture of a 19-week-old baby. This is a human child.
Letter to the Editor – Vote YES on Amendment 1
The following Letter to the Editor was submitted to, and accepted by, the Charleston Daily Mail. The editor responded saying they will publish the letter, and even better, that the paper will endorse a “YES” on Amendment 1, using the letter’s explanation as to why. The author, Mary Tillman, serves on the state board of West Virginians
Free video resource for churches to show regarding ‘Vote YES on Amendment 1’ (on ballot for Nov. 6 general election)
Vote YES on Amendment 1 Nov. 6, billboards, updates, info, and more!
Yes on 1 Billboards around WV Please consider joining with our West Virginians For Life county chapters and their supporters/donors as we “foot the bill” for installing large interstate billboards around the state, encouraging West Virginians to vote “YES on Amendment 1” on November 6 to stop tax-payer funding of elective abortions! Below is a mock-up of