Category Archives: Nationwide ProLife News
Big Tech Bias — Blocking Pro-Life Groups From Advertising
Pro-life groups/ads have been blocked by Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, et al. As reported by IrishCentral and Lifesite: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook deliberately banned pro-life ads from the US during the Irish abortion referendum after the Irish government told them they had no laws either way to cover such foreign advertising. The
New Planned Parenthood CEO Alexis McGill-Johnson Says Pro-Lifers are Racist, But Aborting Black Babies is OK
Did a Netflix show kill Anna Bright?
From the AFA website: More than two years after its debut, a graphic suicide scene has been cut from the first season of 13 Reasons Why, Netflix announced Monday. AFA has repeatedly urged Netflix to remove 13 Reasons Why from its lineup since the death of Anna Bright, a 14-year-old who mimicked the suicide scene
Dr. Leanna Wen’s ouster as PPFA President: What does it mean? Part One
Planned Parenthood Fires CEO Leana Wen After 10 Months, Wants More Aggressive Pro-Abortion Leader
Quote The Radiance Foundation: Well. That didn’t last long. Latest#PlannedParenthood president’s job gets aborted; fired in secret meeting because she’s not…pro-abortion enough! How did all that shilling work out for ya, Dr. Leana Wen? She wanted the abortion giant to be more medical. They want to be political. They’ve ALWAYS been political…and corrupt. Having an actual
CBS, NBC May Join Netflix and Disney in Boycotting Georgia After It Banned Abortions
From “In recent years, Georgia has become something of a second home for Hollywood as the state has opened itself up to filmmakers. But ever since the state took a stand to defend the lives of the unborn, the liberal elites on the other side of the country have demanded Georgia bend to their will
Almost 100 Abortion Clinic Workers Seek to Leave Industry After Seeing Pro-Life Movie ‘Unplanned’
Chuck Konzelman, director of the Pure Flix movie “Unplanned,” revealed to Congress this week that nearly 100 abortion clinic workers have sought to leave their jobs after seeing the pro-life film. Read more.
The White House is slated to host a screening of the pro-life film “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” on Friday, April 12
Senator Lindsey Graham (and other leaders) speak in support of Federal Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act[0]=68.ARDr0Tw7Efk4eQJFdtCDDexQm2QYMfCDejqzFHtC5Dyt28nY7jsGSPskSdv46xjvr1NuDLHKShFBINbafn3aBPfnZmWechiUaRipqAjPZGr8iBYxPRv0U0AkjBWy52fEAASqTaEYQWJlMTwrixLzYvlmknhg6Lx2B3SU9gKZNTJsKSmq3YGuPThHK1m7yVTZR7FyWQyVIax5vef2ap5pxPe1-PCOHKzh7TKOeg3m6Mk3gyfjn0AOcySQwKYaYjbNHi1zvncaz7T7i-w_J6US0R5Nn7i9FXenEYc_Aq32I-qzf-CJfp3IPTHtZtKX_V3JIdFn&__tn__=FC-R