Congratulations to our WVFL-endorsed pro-life candidate, Danny Hamrick, on your great victory in reelection to continue serving as a Delegate for West Virginia’s House District 48!

Congratulations to our WVFL-endorsed pro-life candidate, Laura Kimble, on your great victory in election to serve as a Delegate for West Virginia’s House District 48!

Congratulations to our WVFL-endorsed pro-life candidate, Patrick Morrisey, on your great victory in reelection to continue serving as West Virginia’s Attorney General!

Congratulations to our WVFL-endorsed pro-life candidate, Shelley Moore Capito, on your great victory in reelection to continue representing West Virginia in the U.S. Senate!

Congratulations to our WVFL-endorsed pro-life candidate, David McKinley, on your great victory in reelection to continue representing West Virginia in the U.S. House!

Congratulations to our WVFL-endorsed pro-life candidate, Alex Mooney, on your great victory in reelection to continue representing West Virginia in the U.S. House!

Congratulations to our WVFL-endorsed pro-life candidate, Carol Miller, on your great victory in reelection to continue representing West Virginia in the U.S. House!

Congratulations to our WVFL-endorsed pro-life candidate, Jim Justice, on your great victory in reelection to continue serving as West Virginia’s Governor!

Please LIKE and SHARE this link! Instantly download your free PRO-LIFE VOTER GUIDE for the WV November 3 General! This election is CRUCIAL! Absentee voting (by mail) is underway for the WV General!

Please LIKE and SHARE this link! Get your free digital PRO-LIFE VOTER GUIDE for the WV May 12 Primary! This election is CRUCIAL! Absentee voting (by mail) is underway for the WV Primary!