Amendment 1 historically passed statewide with 5,878 voters making the difference. Legislative Coordinator for the WV Alliance for Ethical Health Care, Mary H. Tillman, JD, said, “The WV Alliance for Ethical Health Care, West Virginians for Life, and organizations that advocate for the rights of persons living with disabilities celebrate the successful passage of Amendment 1. Following the strong example of our legislators who voted by overwhelming majorities, the voters of WV have now also shown their belief that all lives in our beautiful state, regardless of age or ability, will be respected and protected from the dangers of medically-assisted suicide. West Virginia becomes the first state in the United States of America to proactively …

Historic Night in WV as Amendment 1 Passes and Successful Endorsements Allow for Biggest Pro-Life Gains Yet Read more »

Please take a moment to call Senator Manchin and thank him for taking such a strong stand on keeping the filibuster. Call 202.224.3954. Please visit to find other urgent bills pertinent to the pro-life movement for which Senator Manchin’s vote may be the determining factor. VISIT WVSPEAKS.COM TO TAKE ACTION! This was volunteer James Gomez in 2020 explaining to WV Agriculture Commissioner Kent Leonhardt how the Land on the Green challenge works. “If your tee shot lands on the green, you win a hat or shirt of your choice.” Leonhardt will be participating again in 2021. West Virginians for Life Looks Forward to Seeing Golfers at PCC on July 10 for the 9th Golf FORE Life …

Governor Signs 2nd Chances at Life Act Read more »