From the AFA website: More than two years after its debut, a graphic suicide scene has been cut from the first season of 13 Reasons Why, Netflix announced Monday. AFA has repeatedly urged Netflix to remove 13 Reasons Why from its lineup since the death of Anna Bright, a 14-year-old who mimicked the suicide scene after binge-watching the first season episodes. Netflix has come under stronger scrutiny since a report last April showed suicides among U.S. kids aged 10 to 17 spiked to a 19-year high in the month following the release of 13 Reasons Why. During April 2017 alone, 190 U.S. tweens and teens took their own lives. Their April 2017 suicide rate was …

Did a Netflix show kill Anna Bright? Read more »

Quote Greater Columbus Right to Life: “So, Dr Wen found an 8-month termination which she opposes. Maybe this is the start of a beautiful conversion…” Details at NRL News Today.

Quote The Radiance Foundation: Well. That didn’t last long. Latest#PlannedParenthood president’s job gets aborted; fired in secret meeting because she’s not…pro-abortion enough! How did all that shilling work out for ya, Dr. Leana Wen? She wanted the abortion giant to be more medical. They want to be political. They’ve ALWAYS been political…and corrupt. Having an actual physician (willing to deny basic science) lead the abortion chain was good for PR. But they want a much more aggressive activist running the billion-dollar arm of the Democratic party. Details at

From “In recent years, Georgia has become something of a second home for Hollywood as the state has opened itself up to filmmakers. But ever since the state took a stand to defend the lives of the unborn, the liberal elites on the other side of the country have demanded Georgia bend to their will or face a boycott. The CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News not only hyped the boycott Thursday, but they also touted that their parent companies might join in.” Click to read more! CBS, NBC May Join Netflix and Disney in Boycotting Georgia After It Banned Abortions

Chuck Konzelman, director of the Pure Flix movie “Unplanned,” revealed to Congress this week that nearly 100 abortion clinic workers have sought to leave their jobs after seeing the pro-life film. Read more.

The White House is slated to host a screening of the pro-life film “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” on Friday. Read more.

In a surprising vote, the New Mexico Senate voted down HB-51, an extreme abortion bill that sought to ensure legal abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, remove parental notification, and force doctors to commit abortions despite their moral objections. In a vote of 18 in favor to 24 against, eight Democrats voted against the bill. Read more:

“The word ‘abortion’ is itself is a euphemism,” Shapiro says. “The procedure of abortion isn’t an anodyne polyp removal. It involves doing terminal violence to an unborn child. Ignoring that fact allows abortion advocates to avoid looking reality directly in the face…. This is a picture of a 19-week-old baby. This is a human child. This is not a ball of goo. This is not a cluster of cells….”   H/T

Kavanaugh Confirmed, Justice Prevailed The National Review editorial board writes, “After one of the most intense political fights of the last two decades, Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has become Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh of the United States Supreme Court. This is a good thing for the integrity of our Constitution, for elementary American norms, and for the long-term health of our political institutions.”