Please take a moment to call Senator Manchin and thank him for taking such a strong stand on keeping the filibuster. Call 202.224.3954. Please visit to find other urgent bills pertinent to the pro-life movement for which Senator Manchin’s vote may be the determining factor. VISIT WVSPEAKS.COM TO TAKE ACTION! This was volunteer James Gomez in 2020 explaining to WV Agriculture Commissioner Kent Leonhardt how the Land on the Green challenge works. “If your tee shot lands on the green, you win a hat or shirt of your choice.” Leonhardt will be participating again in 2021. West Virginians for Life Looks Forward to Seeing Golfers at PCC on July 10 for the 9th Golf FORE Life …

Governor Signs 2nd Chances at Life Act Read more »

By MARY ANNE BUCHANAN The Second Chances at Life Act (HB 2982/SB 609) successfully passed in the West Virginia House of Delegates today by a bipartisan 83-15 vote. Passage followed a 19-5 vote in the House Health Committee on March 16 and a 22-3 vote in the House Judiciary Committee on March 18. The Second Chances at Life Act next moves to the Senate Health Committee. West Virginia is well on the way to becoming the 11th state to have this law in place. The other ten states are Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah and Arizona whose original law was repealed and replaced with weaker language. Sponsored by Delegate …

West Virginia House Passes Pro-Life Bill Saving Babies From Abortion Read more »

Congratulations to our WVFL-endorsed pro-life candidate, Shelley Moore Capito, on your great victory in reelection to continue representing West Virginia in the U.S. Senate!

Congratulations to our WVFL-endorsed pro-life candidate, David McKinley, on your great victory in reelection to continue representing West Virginia in the U.S. House!

Congratulations to our WVFL-endorsed pro-life candidate, Alex Mooney, on your great victory in reelection to continue representing West Virginia in the U.S. House!

Congratulations to our WVFL-endorsed pro-life candidate, Carol Miller, on your great victory in reelection to continue representing West Virginia in the U.S. House!

Congratulations to our WVFL-endorsed pro-life candidate, Jim Justice, on your great victory in reelection to continue serving as West Virginia’s Governor!

Congratulations to Amy Coney Barrett, Thanks to President Trump and Senator Moore-Capito

Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett says she doesn’t consider the Roe v. Wade decision that allowed abortion on demand a “super-precedent” that can’t be overturned. Judge Barrett said Roe is not in same category as the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v. Board of Education ruling, which declared segregated public schools unconstitutional because there is still a massive debate about whether Roe is legitimate. Barrett says no one talks about overturning the Brown decision but explained that significant disagreement over it “indicates Roe doesn’t fall in that category.” She says it’s “not a case that’s universally accepted.” “Well people use super precedent differently. The way that it’s used in the scholarship and the way that …

Amy Coney Barrett: Roe v. Wade is Not a “Super-Precedent” That Can’t be Overturned Read more »

Democrat senators backed by the pro-abortion movement blasted U.S. Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett as a threat to Roe v. Wade on Monday during her Senate confirmation hearing. Planned Parenthood favorites Sens. Kamala Harris, of California, and Cory Booker, of New Jersey, especially tried to drum up fear by claiming women’s rights are at stake. And by women’s rights, they mean abortion on demand. Barrett believes in “the value of human life from conception to natural death.” “People are scared right now … because they know what a future without the protections of Roe v. Wade looks like,” Booker said at the hearing. “Without Roe v. Wade, our country looks like people being denied the ability to make decisions about their …

Senate Democrats Trash Amy Coney Barrett: The Right to Kill Babies in Abortions “is at Stake” Read more »