West Virginians For Life (which can followed on Facebook here) recently tweeted the following: What Google is really saying with these actions is that they cannot be trusted. Its top leadership only respects users and customers who think one way, who think their way. That's the opposite of diversity. Shame on Google and shame on us if we ignore it. https://t.co/HQFPd4JKk0 — WV for Life (@WV4Life) April 13, 2019 …Echoing the sentiments of National Right To Life‘s Karen Cross, who tweeted this: Shame on Google!! https://t.co/ETrtU2mNCP — Karen Cross (@kcrossnrlc) April 11, 2019 …in response to this horrific revelation about Google.

Kavanaugh Confirmed, Justice Prevailed The National Review editorial board writes, “After one of the most intense political fights of the last two decades, Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has become Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh of the United States Supreme Court. This is a good thing for the integrity of our Constitution, for elementary American norms, and for the long-term health of our political institutions.”

One day a killer sneaked into heaven. How? By the mercy and grace of God, of course. But why would a forgiven soul ever need to sneak in? Because a forgiven soul knows the forgiveness, knows their trespass which required it, and knows the price that was paid to grant it. The very last thing a forgiven soul would ever do is stroll into heaven like one who “owns the place”—like one who did not need mercy and grace to get there. As I was saying, one day a killer sneaked into heaven…. [Click below to read more….] Source: The Day a Killer Sneaked Into Heaven | DougJoseph.net

Three medical specialists discuss the science of preborn children experiencing pain during an abortion procedure. House Bill 2 and Senate Bill 1, currently considered in the Special Session of the Legislature, establish the state’s interest in protecting the lives of preborn children who feel pain. Dr. Paul Liu, Dr. Ingrid Skop, and Dr. Greg Bonnen all speak to the behavioral and physiological evidence confirming that …. [Read more via Video: Medical Experts Confirm Unborn Children Feel Pain During Abortion | LifeNews.com.]