Genetic counselors report sex-selection abortion qualms yet do nothing Pro-choice feminists find themselves in a quandary when they are faced with sex–selection abortions, especially when, as is usually the case, they are performed because the baby is a girl. Sadly, most feminists have chosen to overlook this obvious misogyny and support such abortions. They argue that a woman has the right to abort her child even if she is doing so solely to prevent another prenatal “woman” from being born. This seems like a blindingly obvious case of discrimination against women, but pro-choicers tend to support these abortions based on “women’s rights.” In bizarre cases, feminist groups even proclaim that fighting female feticide (i.e., abortions …

The words “It’s a girl” shouldn’t be a death sentence. Read more »

When pro-abortionists were arguing against a new Missouri law that increased the time of reflection after counseling before an abortion can be performed from 24 hours to 72 hours, they insisted HB 1307 was unconstitutional. Undeterred (as NRL News Today reported last month), the legislature overrode a veto by Gov. Jay Nixon with the law taking effect this Friday. Guess what? Pro-abortionists have chosen not to appeal the “”onerous” and “burdensome” law! Read more at

Hillary Clinton is the clear frontrunner at this very early point in the 2016 presidential race and, after the midterm elections, the pro-life movement will undoubtedly bring up a laundry list of her pro-abortion actions and comments. Here is something that will undoubtedly be added to the list. hillaryclinton8The potential presidential candidate proves in her response to the Supreme Court’s decision protecting Hobby Lobby from the Obama HHS mandate that she really has no fundamental understanding of what the case was about. John McCormack of the Weekly Standard breaks it down… [read more at].

The main issue in the Hobby Lobby case the Supreme Court decided yesterday was whether or not it and other businesses run by owners with pro-life values would be able to opt out of having to pay for abortion-causing drugs under the Obama HHS mandate. But to hear it from the pro-abortion side, Hobby Lobby and pro-life advocates supposedly want to ban contraception. Click to watch pro-abortion supporters at the Supreme Court demonstrate they have no idea what was at stake in the Supreme Court case. As Kelsey Harkness of the Daily Signal writes, “Although caricatured as anti-contraception, Hobby Lobby already provides coverage for 16 of the 20 drugs mandated by Obamacare. Outside the… [Read …

These Pro-Abortion Protestors Have No Clue Hobby Lobby Already Covers Contraception | Read more »

When you read pro-abortion blogs, there is always—always—plenty of material to add to your “you can’t make this stuff up” folder. Here’s the latest, although by the time I post this story, something new will undoubtedly be… [read more at NRL News Today].

Did you know? The company that provided Zyklon B for the Nazi holocaust later provided RU-486 for the American Holocaust. At the end of World War II, the German chemical manufacturer, I.G. Farben, was identified as the company that supplied the gas used in the Nazi concentration camps. The gas was called Zyklon-B and evidence later showed that Farben’s executives knew how it was being used. Read more via

President Barack Obama and Planned Parenthood have been bosom buddies since his election — and the president has kept flow of taxpayer funds on ever since entering the White House in 2009. This year’s budget proposal is no exception. via President Obama’s Budget Sends $286,479,000 to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz |

Planned Parenthood continues to fail to deliver on its promise to provide expanded services commensurate with its government funding, which has increased 77 percent over the last seven years. Affiliate numbers, facility numbers, customer numbers, and three of its four categories of “services” have all decreased. Its bottom line, however, continues to increase, thanks to its expansive government funding and its lucrative abortion business. PPFA closed out the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2013, with total assets of more than $1.6 billion dollars—a $109.4 million dollar increase from 2012—and banked $58.2 million in profits. In the meantime, its level of services has decreased 2.7 percent since 2009. via Planned Parenthood: Tax Funding Up 77% …

Planned Parenthood: Tax Funding Up 77% While it Makes $170 Million From Abortions | Read more »

A video that has recently gone viral on Facebook with over 195,000 shares that depicts a pre-born baby inside of its amniotic sac. The video has sparked massive discussion on social media about the humanity of the unborn, legality of abortion, and reality of what life in the womb looks like. Some commenters on these social media outlets have speculated that the baby was delivered as the result of an auto accident, although we could not confirm this. Read more at