The preliminary hearings for pro-life heroes David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt concluded this week Wednesday in San Francisco. The pair are hopeful that sworn testimony over the past weeks demonstrates that those who trafficked aborted-baby body parts are guilty of crimes, not the whistleblowers who exposed it. Judge Christopher Hite’s ruling on whether the case will proceed to trial is expected within a month. Read more…

VIDEO from “Recent State Pro-Life Laws-Idealist or Pragmatic: Pursuing an Effective Legal Strategy to Protect the Unborn and Overturn Roe v. Wade”- Taken from a workshop given at the National Right to Life Convention in Charleston, South Carolina on July 6th, 2019.

UPDATE: as of August 6, 2019 at 8:15 pm: Apple News has just informed the management team at LifeSiteNews that, after re-evaluating the channel, they are re-enabling the channel with immediate effect. What this means is that LifeSite’s channel and articles are once again available on the Apple News app. Please click here to read more about this breaking news. From LifeSiteNews: “All the 57,313 signers of the petition made a HUGE difference. THANK YOU for helping make this VICTORY possible! Thank you for YOUR help in delivering this victory for free speech, and for conservative and Christian viewpoints.” For those who use Apple devices, please click on the link below to “follow” LifeSite on …

BREAKING: Apple News bans LifeSite without warning: says it ‘shows intolerance’ Read more »

Pro-life groups/ads have been blocked by Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, et al. As reported by IrishCentral and Lifesite: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook deliberately banned pro-life ads from the US during the Irish abortion referendum after the Irish government told them they had no laws either way to cover such foreign advertising. The depth of their bias is being revealed. As reported by Mat Staver (Liberty Counsel): a senior software engineer at Google stepped out of the shadows to confirm that Google is “very politically biased.” Greg Coppola has a Ph.D. in computer science. This executive, who was with Google for five years, went on camera with Project Veritas to issue these explosive …

Big Tech Bias — Blocking Pro-Life Groups From Advertising Read more »

Nik had his limbs ripped off by an abortionist, but he is determined to live life to the fullest despite the brutal attack. “I knew that I was supposed to be an aborted baby and it failed. It makes me angry because I would never want for that to happen to any kid. Anybody can become anything, and getting rid of a kid like that isn’t right to me.” Click to read more.

New Planned Parenthood CEO Alexis McGill-Johnson Says Pro-Lifers are Racist, But Aborting Black Babies is OK. Read more.

From the AFA website: More than two years after its debut, a graphic suicide scene has been cut from the first season of 13 Reasons Why, Netflix announced Monday. AFA has repeatedly urged Netflix to remove 13 Reasons Why from its lineup since the death of Anna Bright, a 14-year-old who mimicked the suicide scene after binge-watching the first season episodes. Netflix has come under stronger scrutiny since a report last April showed suicides among U.S. kids aged 10 to 17 spiked to a 19-year high in the month following the release of 13 Reasons Why. During April 2017 alone, 190 U.S. tweens and teens took their own lives. Their April 2017 suicide rate was …

Did a Netflix show kill Anna Bright? Read more »

From “In recent years, Georgia has become something of a second home for Hollywood as the state has opened itself up to filmmakers. But ever since the state took a stand to defend the lives of the unborn, the liberal elites on the other side of the country have demanded Georgia bend to their will or face a boycott. The CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News not only hyped the boycott Thursday, but they also touted that their parent companies might join in.” Click to read more! CBS, NBC May Join Netflix and Disney in Boycotting Georgia After It Banned Abortions

Chuck Konzelman, director of the Pure Flix movie “Unplanned,” revealed to Congress this week that nearly 100 abortion clinic workers have sought to leave their jobs after seeing the pro-life film. Read more.

The White House is slated to host a screening of the pro-life film “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” on Friday. Read more.