Three medical specialists discuss the science of preborn children experiencing pain during an abortion procedure. House Bill 2 and Senate Bill 1, currently considered in the Special Session of the Legislature, establish the state’s interest in protecting the lives of preborn children who feel pain. Dr. Paul Liu, Dr. Ingrid Skop, and Dr. Greg Bonnen all speak to the behavioral and physiological evidence confirming that …. [Read more via Video: Medical Experts Confirm Unborn Children Feel Pain During Abortion |]

Come in car pools, vans and busses!  Please join West Virginians for Life in traveling to Charleston on Tuesday, February 11, for the annual Pro-Life Rally and Day at the Legislature.  The day’s events last from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. and include special music and a Prayer Walk through the Capitol following the main rally at noon. This year’s rally is more important than ever given that West Virginians DO NOT want abortion coverage included in the new WV Health Care Exchange.  Abortion is NOT health care.  It takes the life of a defenseless unborn baby. Let your legislators know you support not only an Abortion Opt-Out in the new health care exchange, but …

Annual Pro-Life Rally & Day at the Legislature Read more »

Relayed to us: “Could you please forward the following message to all the pro-lifers on your email list? Please join us if you can, and bring your pro life signs, in case we have more than 50 people (we have 50 signs). I already talked to Bonita and Jill. Thank you!!! -Cheryl “Life Chain is a prayerful public witness to the plight of unborn children who are being aborted at the rate of 3600 every day. We will line up on the sidewalk holding pro life signs and pray silently for one hour for an end to abortion. You are invited to be a part of the Lewis County Life Chain on Sunday Oct. 6 …

Life Chain Read more »

Harrison County WVFL is pleased to announce WVFL Chapters, a website network intended to house sites for each local chapter of West Virginians for Life. The network is the brainchild of Pastor Doug Joseph, of Clarksburg, working in conjunction with Linda Oldack (Harrison County chapter president), also of Clarksburg, and Wanda Franz (WVFL statewide president), of Morgantown. Joseph recently joined the Harrison County chapter’s planning committee, and there it was mentioned that their local chapter was then without any web presence. Joseph, who has extensive experience in web development (as well as in graphic arts), had recently built such a site network for his statewide church organization (the WV District of the United Pentecostal Church International), while he was …

FREE Web Sites for WVFL State Chapters Read more »