Amendment 1 historically passed statewide with 5,878 voters making the difference. Legislative Coordinator for the WV Alliance for Ethical Health Care, Mary H. Tillman, JD, said, “The WV Alliance for Ethical Health Care, West Virginians for Life, and organizations that advocate for the rights of persons living with disabilities celebrate the successful passage of Amendment 1. Following the strong example of our legislators who voted by overwhelming majorities, the voters of WV have now also shown their belief that all lives in our beautiful state, regardless of age or ability, will be respected and protected from the dangers of medically-assisted suicide. West Virginia becomes the first state in the United States of America to proactively …

Historic Night in WV as Amendment 1 Passes and Successful Endorsements Allow for Biggest Pro-Life Gains Yet Read more »

By MARY ANNE BUCHANAN The Second Chances at Life Act (HB 2982/SB 609) successfully passed in the West Virginia House of Delegates today by a bipartisan 83-15 vote. Passage followed a 19-5 vote in the House Health Committee on March 16 and a 22-3 vote in the House Judiciary Committee on March 18. The Second Chances at Life Act next moves to the Senate Health Committee. West Virginia is well on the way to becoming the 11th state to have this law in place. The other ten states are Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah and Arizona whose original law was repealed and replaced with weaker language. Sponsored by Delegate …

West Virginia House Passes Pro-Life Bill Saving Babies From Abortion Read more »

The following Letter to the Editor was submitted to, and accepted by, the Charleston Daily Mail. The editor responded saying they will publish the letter, and even better, that the paper will endorse a “YES” on Amendment 1, using the letter’s explanation as to why. The author, Mary Tillman, serves on the state board of West Virginians for Life and is an officer in the WV For Life – Harrison County Chapter. For more information and helpful resources, visit October 5, 2018 Letters to the Editor have been appearing in newspapers around the State, making extreme claims about what the effect of Amendment 1 will be if passed. It’s time to get the facts. The most common claim …

Letter to the Editor – Vote YES on Amendment 1 Read more »

Just a quick reminder of a free resource available for churches for the upcoming annual “Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day,” as we posted previously. Churches: for use on ‘Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day’ – free from WV For Life West Virginians For Life encourages churches in WV to show this video on or near October 15, for the annual “Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day” and to consider receiving an offering for West Virginians For Life, to help continue the crucial work being done. Thank you! PLEASE LIKE & SHARE!

Yes on 1 Billboards around WV Please consider joining with our West Virginians For Life county chapters and their supporters/donors as we “foot the bill” for installing large interstate billboards around the state, encouraging West Virginians to vote “YES on Amendment 1” on November 6 to stop tax-payer funding of elective abortions! Below is a mock-up of a Yes on 1 Billboard about to go up for the month of October, sponsored by the Harrison County Chapter, the Doddridge County Chapter, and the Marion County Chapter. It is be located on Interstate 79 in the heavily-trafficked area near/south of Fairmont, WV, getting lots of eyes along the Clarksburg-Bridgeport-Fairmont-Morgantown corridor. Also, below is an actual photo of a Yes on 1 …

Vote YES on Amendment 1 Nov. 6, billboards, updates, info, and more! Read more »

SJR 12 passed the WV Legislature today! WV voters will now have their say in next election! If the voters of the state want to stop taxpayer funding of elective abortions (which have totaled almost $10,000,000.00 for some 35,000 abortions), this constitutional amendment is the only way to get it done. Anything less than a constitutional amendment will allow the matter to continue to elude us, because the horrific Panepinto opinion by the WV Supreme Court has effectively taken the issue out of our elected officials’ hands. Pro-Life voters in Harrison County: Take note that Delegates Iaquinta and Miley both voted against the Pro-Life SJR 12 Amendment to stop taxpayer funding of elective abortions in WV! …

SJR 12 (no taxpayer funding of elective abortion) Passes WV Legislature, Now On to WV Voters Read more »