by Wanda Franz, Ph.D., President West Virginians for Life Political Action Committee (WVL-PAC) has endorsed Donald Trump for President. Donald Trump has completed a candidate questionnaire with 14 of 14 pro-life answers. He has put out a list of possible Supreme Court candidates that have been widely praised as those who will uphold the Constitution, not legislate from the bench. He is committed to supporting the Republican platform that contains the most pro-life plank ever. He has chosen as his Vice Presidential running mate, Governor Mike Pence from Indiana. While Pence served in Congress, he was designated one of the 20 most Conservative individuals in the Congress and had a 100% pro-life voting record. Hillary …

WVL-PAC Endorses Trump for US President Read more »

For those voting in WV’s 1st Congressional District: Below are the Pro-life GOP delegate recommendations from the PAC of West Virginians for Life. This is the 2-up version. Please print, cut, and distribute. Please take with you to the polls, and vote PRO-LIFE! For those voting in WV 2nd or 3rd Congressional District, a version of the above for your ballot is available (although the At-Large portion of the flyer applies to all three districts). Contact West Virginians For Life for more info. PDF version – 2016 Republican Delegate Endorsements – WV – 1st Congr. District – 2-up JPG version – 2016 Republican Delegate Endorsements – WV – 1st Congr. District – 2-up

Patsy Trecost, a Pro-Life Democrat from Harrison County, WV has announced that he is running for WV Secretary of State. Trecost will be challenging incumbent Natalie Tennant in the Democrat primary. Tennant is Pro-Abortion and is endorsed by the Pro-Abortion “Emily’s List.” Trecost has a Pro-Life voting record in the WV Legislature. Harrison County House of Delegates member Patsy Trecost, will run for Secretary of State. Trecost said he wants to restore the public’s confidence in government and improve elections in the state. Trecost is in the second year of his first term as a delegate. Before that, he served for 22 years on Clarksburg City Council. Source: Harrison County House of Delegates Member Patsy …

Patsy Trecost, WV House of Delegates, to run for WV Sec. of State – Read more »

One day a killer sneaked into heaven. How? By the mercy and grace of God, of course. But why would a forgiven soul ever need to sneak in? Because a forgiven soul knows the forgiveness, knows their trespass which required it, and knows the price that was paid to grant it. The very last thing a forgiven soul would ever do is stroll into heaven like one who “owns the place”—like one who did not need mercy and grace to get there. As I was saying, one day a killer sneaked into heaven…. [Click below to read more….] Source: The Day a Killer Sneaked Into Heaven |

From the WV For Life State Office: Sheena Rapp-Leedy and her mother Sheril were concerned enough about starting a pro-life chapter in Clay County, that they did something about it on Thursday of this week. Officers will be elected and monthly meetings held in the county seat of Clay, WV, at the next meeting on Thursday, February 4, at the Clay County Public Library. The meeting will take place from 5 – 6 p.m. In addition to the mother/daughter combo and Dr. Wanda Franz and Mary Anne Buchanan of West Virginians for Life, three other adults turned out. They are hopeful to have more at the second meeting. In case of bad weather on the …

Clay County Pro-Life Chapter Ready to Roll Up Their Sleeves Read more »

One-hour silent prayer vigil for our country, our community and our unborn. October 25, 2015, 2:30 – 3:30 PM Over 50 million unborn children have perished by abortion in the United States since 1973. Life Chain is a one-hour silent prayer chain and public witness against abortion. Thousands of Christians across our state and nation will stand together and pray on behalf of our voiceless unborn citizens and seek God’s divine intervention for the healing of our community and nation and the end of abortion. This must be done humbly in the true spirit of II Chronicles 7:14. Behind the guardrail that runs between Aldi Foods and Applebee’s on Emily Drive at East Pointe in Clarksburg, …

28th Annual National Life Chain Read more »

When: Sunday, October 25, 2015  – from 2:30 to 3:30pm Where: Emily Drive, in Clarksburg, WV — behind the guardrail — starting at ALDI’s and going up to Applebee’s — permission to park at Star Furniture has been granted. Who: All Pro-Lifers from both Doddridge County & Harrison County. (This event is sponsored by both counties’ chapters of West Virginians For Life.) What & Why: This is a public prayer vigil in which Pro-Life people line up alongside a major road, holding signs in defense of preborn babies, and praying for an end to abortion. It lasts about 1 hour, and is a powerful and effective peaceful demonstration that greatly affects the public’s awareness of the issue …

LifeChain – Pro-Life Event at New Pointe, Clarksburg, WV – Sunday, Oct. 25, 2015 – from 2:30 to 3:30pm Read more »

The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the nation’s oldest and largest pro-life organization, joins with pro-lifers across the country and around the world in mourning the death of former National Right to Life President Dr. John C. (Jack) Willke, an obstetrician who devoted his life to the right-to-life movement. Dr. Willke died at his home in Cincinnati, Ohio, on Friday. He was 89. “There is no way to quantify the contributions Jack Willke, along with his wife Barbara, made to the right-to-life movement,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life.”Jack’s generous heart and wonderful sense of humor will be greatly missed. He and Barbara devoted their lives to the right-to-life movement, and …

National Right to Life and WVFL Mourn Death of Dr. John C. Willke Read more »

Get the full story in the phenomenal book In Lieu of Flowers, God Gave Us a Miracle: The True-Life Story Of Zach Sandy, available on and

The West Virginia legislature took a huge step forward today as the House of Delegates voted 87-12 to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, H.B. 2568, a bill fully supported by West Virginians for Life (WVFL). The bi-partisan bill passed with two-thirds of the Democrats voting for it. When the morning session convened, the House galleries were packed with pro-life supporters who had come to the Charleston Capitol for Annual Pro-Life Rally Day. After introductions from several delegates of their pro-life constituents, House Speaker Tim Armstead got down to business. For roughly 2½ hours delegates either spoke for or against the bill. Lead sponsor Delegate Kelli Sobonya ended her floor speech with a familiar …

Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act Passes In West Virginia House Read more »