Did you know? The company that provided Zyklon B for the Nazi holocaust later provided RU-486 for the American Holocaust. At the end of World War II, the German chemical manufacturer, I.G. Farben, was identified as the company that supplied the gas used in the Nazi concentration camps. The gas was called Zyklon-B and evidence later showed that Farben’s executives knew how it was being used. Read more via LifeNews.com.

President Barack Obama and Planned Parenthood have been bosom buddies since his election — and the president has kept flow of taxpayer funds on ever since entering the White House in 2009. This year’s budget proposal is no exception. via President Obama’s Budget Sends $286,479,000 to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz | LifeNews.com.

Planned Parenthood continues to fail to deliver on its promise to provide expanded services commensurate with its government funding, which has increased 77 percent over the last seven years. Affiliate numbers, facility numbers, customer numbers, and three of its four categories of “services” have all decreased. Its bottom line, however, continues to increase, thanks to its expansive government funding and its lucrative abortion business. PPFA closed out the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2013, with total assets of more than $1.6 billion dollars—a $109.4 million dollar increase from 2012—and banked $58.2 million in profits. In the meantime, its level of services has decreased 2.7 percent since 2009. via Planned Parenthood: Tax Funding Up 77% …

Planned Parenthood: Tax Funding Up 77% While it Makes $170 Million From Abortions | LifeNews.com Read more »

Last week was our annual West Virginians for Life Day at the Legislature in Charleston. The capitol is a very beautiful, but it is sick inside. We had hundreds of people there to encourage our representatives to “Vote to Discharge” a bill from our Health Committee. The bill is the Pain Capable Child Protection Act, written to stop abortion after twenty weeks post-fertilization. It failed to make it out of committee by a vote of 48 to 48. Any bills written by West Virginians for Life are noted into law, if they can get out of committee. That is where they get us every time. (They have been doing this for 29 years.) We got word …

Update on Pain Capable Child Protection Act Read more »

Family Research Council released a report this week that gave valuable insight to those who want to understand the women in our culture who are most vulnerable to abortion industry pressures and what risk factors affect them. This valuable research about the demographics of women who have had abortions reinforces what common sense would suggest – the more sexual partners a woman has, and the earlier she becomes sexually active, the more likely she is to have one or more abortions in her lifetime. Most importantly, the research shows how important strong families are in decreasing the likelihood of a woman having an abortion. Read more at LifeNews.com.

The articles and blog posts leading up to the 40th commemoration of the single greatest American tragedy all tell a similar story.  The thread that runs common through all the stories is the unimaginable numbers.  And the numbers drive the narrative of a nation painfully realizing that there are now fifty-five million children, who have been poisoned, dismembered, shredded and suffocated by abortionists who were given the right to do so by judicial fiat. [Read more at LifeNews.com.]

The World Health Organization classified birth control pills with estrogen and progestin as a “Group One” carcinogen. “That’s the highest level that a cancer-causing drug can be listed as,” says Karen Malec of the Coalition on Abortion Breast Cancer. And Plan B, known as the morning-after pill, is nothing short of an extremely high dose of contraceptive. “It’s highly carcinogenic,” Malec advises. “It’s listed on the same page with mustard gas and benzene, cadmium, etc. Asbestos and tobacco are also listed.” Malec has filed a brief with the Supreme Court informing the justices of these stats. “They already have 300,000 cases of breast cancer expected this year so this is only going to further increase it,” …

Supreme Court will look at the links between breast cancer, abortion, and birth control Read more »

Relayed to us: “Could you please forward the following message to all the pro-lifers on your email list? Please join us if you can, and bring your pro life signs, in case we have more than 50 people (we have 50 signs). I already talked to Bonita and Jill. Thank you!!! -Cheryl “Life Chain is a prayerful public witness to the plight of unborn children who are being aborted at the rate of 3600 every day. We will line up on the sidewalk holding pro life signs and pray silently for one hour for an end to abortion. You are invited to be a part of the Lewis County Life Chain on Sunday Oct. 6 …

Life Chain Read more »