Big Tech Bias — Blocking Pro-Life Groups From Advertising

Big Tech Bias — Blocking Pro-Life Groups From Advertising

Pro-life groups/ads have been blocked by Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, et al. As reported by IrishCentral and Lifesite: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook deliberately banned pro-life ads from the US during the Irish abortion referendum after the Irish government told them they had no laws either way to cover such foreign advertising.

The depth of their bias is being revealed. As reported by Mat Staver (Liberty Counsel): a senior software engineer at Google stepped out of the shadows to confirm that Google is “very politically biased.” Greg Coppola has a Ph.D. in computer science. This executive, who was with Google for five years, went on camera with Project Veritas to issue these explosive charges: “I’m very concerned to see Big Tech and the Big Media merge, basically, with a political party, with the Democrat Party…. We…are seeing tech use its power to manipulate people…. We have tech that really, first of all, is taking sides in a political contest.” Coppola, who works on artificial intelligence and Google Assistant—or at least he did, until the tech giant put him on “administrative leave” insists, “We’re just at a really important point in human history.” Coppola declares, “It’s time to decide. Are we going to just let the biggest tech companies decide who wins every election from now on?”

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