Your Help Is Needed NOW!

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To NRLC state affiliates and chapters,

We assume you know and understand the connection between ratification of an Equal Rights Amendment and its likely effect of nullifying all pro-life laws enacted at the state and federal levels. A vote will be held in the U.S. House of Representatives next week (Feb. 12 or 13, we believe) on a resolution that seeks to remove, from the 1972 ERA, the seven-year deadline for states to ratify. According to the current theories of some ERA proponents, the effect of Congress passing this resolution, by simple majority votes and without the President’s signature, would be to immediately make the ERA part of the U.S. Constitution.

We have heard that many, many House members are not yet aware of the anti-Life implications of enacting the 1972 ERA. Please push your people to call their House member now! They are hearing from the pro-abortion/pro-ERA activists. They must hear from us: Vote NO on the ERA resolution, House Joint Resolution 79 (H.J. Res 79). If your U.S. House member is usually a reliable pro-life vote, do not assume they will vote with us on this. They may not have accurate information so need to hear from you.

This link,, will provide you with a phone number to your Representatives office and talking points to use for the conversation.

Please disseminate this information to your grassroots activists ASAP and get those calls going!

Carol Tobias, NRLC President
Douglas Johnson, NRLC Senior Policy Advisor
Jennifer Popik, JD, NRLC Legislative Director

PS. Late-breaking legislative and legal developments on the ERA are often reported first — and from an ERA-skeptical perspective — on the Twitter handle @ERA_No_Shortcuts

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