BREAKING: Apple News bans LifeSite without warning: says it ‘shows intolerance’

UPDATE: as of August 6, 2019 at 8:15 pm:
Apple News has just informed the management team at LifeSiteNews that, after re-evaluating the channel, they are re-enabling the channel with immediate effect.
What this means is that LifeSite’s channel and articles are once again available on the Apple News app.
Please click here to read more about this breaking news.
From LifeSiteNews: “All the 57,313 signers of the petition made a HUGE difference. THANK YOU for helping make this VICTORY possible! Thank you for YOUR help in delivering this victory for free speech, and for conservative and Christian viewpoints.”
For those who use Apple devices, please click on the link below to “follow” LifeSite on Apple News:
Follow LifeSite on Apple News (with an Apple device)
Below is our previous report of this matter:
Quote The Radiance Foundation:
More censorship from Apple Inc. After approving on the company’s news platform, they were abruptly banned for showing “intolerance”–code for embracing reason and faith. This is totalitarian tech. They are working together to make sure there are no ideological barriers to their “progressive” agenda. As we ramp up to the 2020 elections, we will find more purging, more censorship, and more demonization of those with Christian and/or conservative worldviews that clash with those who control the flow of information in this country. #BigTechBigBias #TheRealCollusion
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