Annual Pro-Life Rally & Day at the Legislature


Come in car pools, vans and busses!  Please join West Virginians for Life in traveling to Charleston on Tuesday, February 11, for the annual Pro-Life Rally and Day at the Legislature.  The day’s events last from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. and include special music and a Prayer Walk through the Capitol following the main rally at noon.

This year’s rally is more important than ever given that West Virginians DO NOT want abortion coverage included in the new WV Health Care Exchange.  Abortion is NOT health care.  It takes the life of a defenseless unborn baby.

Let your legislators know you support not only an Abortion Opt-Out in the new health care exchange, but also that you stand in defense of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act, which would outlaw abortions in WV after the unborn child feels pain, which has been scientifically proven to be at least 20 weeks.  Free t-shirts until they run out to the first ones to arrive.

Please print out a flyer and for more detailed information, call the State Office at 304-594-9845.

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