Jesus Fest

The Clarksburg, WV Jesus Fest will be held August 9, 10, 11. Our local chapter will have a booth. I do not believe that we will be selling anything. If we decided to do a bake sale, the price for the booth would be $75. We would have to sell a lot of cookies and brownies to make that up. I am open to discussion. Please mark the date on your calendar as we will need to have as many workers as possible. I will make up a schedule so please advise when you are available. I do know that Darlene and John Jenks are going to handle the booth on Sunday. They may also be available for some time on Saturday. Thank you Lord for Darlene and John. If many chip in, time will be short.
Also, We are going to do a Chic Fil A night on Tuesday, September 3rd. I believe it is for dinner. If we can get the coupons out, we could possibly make 300 to 400 dollars. Our budget is TINY. So help is needed. Sarah will get the coupons to me soon and I will pass them on to you. Please start praying now for a successful evening.
Also important, the WVFL convention is scheduled for Oct. 5. at the Trinity Assembly of God. Please mark your calendars. This is going to be a good convention. WVFL is continuing the there of 40 Years of Roe: The Nation’s Tragic Experiment as an extension of the event sponsored by the organization around the 40th anniversary of the infamous Roe decision this past January. Two of the guest speakers will be David Russell (“Men and Abortion”) and Rebekah Berg (“Abortion and Rape”) If we have ten in our group register, the cost will only be $25 instead of $35. per person. This is one of the best things presented by WVFL each year. Bring a friend.
I am so thankful for you all!
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