Free video resource for churches to show regarding ‘Vote YES on Amendment 1’ (on ballot for Nov. 6 general election)
Free video resource for churches to show around Oct 15 for annual “Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day”
Just a quick reminder of a free resource available for churches for the upcoming annual “Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day,” as we posted previously.
Churches: for use on ‘Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day’ – free from WV For Life
West Virginians For Life encourages churches in WV to show this video on or near October 15, for the annual “Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day” and to consider receiving an offering for West Virginians For Life, to help continue the crucial work being done. Thank you! PLEASE LIKE & SHARE!
Vote YES on Amendment 1 Nov. 6, billboards, updates, info, and more!
Yes on 1 Billboards around WV
Please consider joining with our West Virginians For Life county chapters and their supporters/donors as we “foot the bill” for installing large interstate billboards around the state, encouraging West Virginians to vote “YES on Amendment 1” on November 6 to stop tax-payer funding of elective abortions!
Below is a mock-up of a Yes on 1 Billboard about to go up for the month of October, sponsored by the Harrison County Chapter, the Doddridge County Chapter, and the Marion County Chapter. It is be located on Interstate 79 in the heavily-trafficked area near/south of Fairmont, WV, getting lots of eyes along the Clarksburg-Bridgeport-Fairmont-Morgantown corridor.
Also, below is an actual photo of a Yes on 1 Billboard that can already be seen in Morgantown, WV at the intersection of Rt 119 and the Old Cheat Road. This one is sponsored by West Virginians For Life / Mon County chapter. WVU game-day traffic coming in from the I-68 Airport exit will see it on home game Saturdays.
Utilize the “YES on 1” Facebook profile frame!
Above is an example of the “YES on 1” frame that you can use with your Facebook profile picture. Just go to your wall, hover over your profile picture, click on Update Profile Picture, and select Add Frame. Then type “Yes on Amendment 1” in the search field and choose the frame at the top of the list. Next select how long you want it to run at the bottom (the one above was customized to run through November 7) and finally click Use Picture Frame. Let’s all do this and show our solidarity.
Share this “YES on 1” Video
Here is a direct link to the video:
“YES on 1” Merchandise CRITICALLY LOW
WVFL needs donations (tax deductible) to buy more Yard Signs, t-shirts and more!
Click here to donate!
It’s suggested that you call 304-594-9845 to see if we have what you need before you order it.
For a more detailed explanation of Amendment 1, visit the website.
Like and SHARE posts from the Vote YES on 1 Facebook page.
2018 WVFL State Convention
WVFL State Convention is October 20 – Register Early!
URGENT: Ad deadline is Monday, September 17.
Print out the above flyers from the event web page and post wherever possible.
Nancy Valko, RN, ALNC (Advanced Legal Nurse Consultant) at will be the keynote speaker. She writes and speaks on medical ethics around the US from both personal and professional experience. Also speaking will be National Right to Life Political Director Karen Cross and WVFL President Wanda Franz, Ph.D.
Click here for ad contracts, sponsor forms, registration forms, and the flyers pictured above.
You MUST BE REGISTERED TO VOTE if you want to vote “YES on 1.” Register NOW by clicking here (or on the graphic above). Registration deadline is October 16. |
One of the best ways to fight breast cancer is to overturn Roe v. Wade
One of the most important ways to fight breast cancer is to overturn Roe v. Wade. The causation link between abortion and breast cancer is supported by an overwhelming preponderance of evidence, notwithstanding the fake story coming from Planned Parenthood, et al. Watch this video for important facts about this issue:
Churches: for use on ‘Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day’ – free from WV For Life
West Virginians For Life encourages churches in WV to show this video on or near October 15, for the annual “Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day” and to consider receiving an offering for West Virginians For Life, to help continue the crucial work being done. Thank you! PLEASE LIKE & SHARE!
WVFL Press Release re: Two Pro-Life Bills Signed
April 28, 2017
For more information contact:
Karen Cross, WVFL Legis. Coordinator (202) 200-1973
Wanda Franz, Ph.D., WVFL President (304) 599-0768
West Virginia becomes the 31st state to enact a meaningful Parent’s Right to Know Act. HB 2002, was successfully amended in the Senate and passed on the last day of the session by a 28-6 vote. The House concurred a few hours later by a vote of 82-17. The bill closes a loophole in the 1984 law that allowed for a second doctor to okay a minor girl’s abortion without her parent’s knowledge. The bill still allows for a judicial bypass in abusive situations. Governor Jim Justice approved the bill on April 26.
“We are pleased that the governor agreed with the huge bipartisan majority that parents have a right to know when their minor daughter is having an abortion, an invasive surgical procedure,” said Karen Cross, West Virginians for Life Legislative Coordinator. She continued, “Children don’t understand the long-term emotional, psychological, and physical consequences of making this major life-changing decision.”
Many of these laws have been in effect for decades and have been upheld in the courts. As the Supreme Court has observed, “[t]he medical, emotional, and psychological consequences of an abortion are serious and can be lasting; this is particularly so when the patient is immature.” [H.L. v. Matheson, 450 U.S. 398, 411 (1981).]
Additionally, the Telemedicine Bill, HB 2509, was signed by the governor on the same day after having passed unanimously in the Senate on Tuesday, April 4, and in the House on March 6. The House vote to concur three days later was nearly unanimous.
HB 2509 permits a physician to prescribe certain controlled substances when using telemedicine technologies. Because the Telemedicine Bill would have expanded abortion throughout the state, it was amended in the Senate to prevent long-distance prescription of drugs for the purpose of causing abortion. According to news stories, abortion proponents made it clear that they wanted to use the bill as a means of expanding abortion in West Virginia.
“Because it is irresponsible to prescribe chemicals long-distance for women to abort without medical supervision, West Virginians for Life (WVFL) is elated the bill passed as amended.” said WVFL President Wanda Franz. “These women need the presence of a doctor because chemical abortions trigger an especially intense experience of child birth, which can include severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea with high amounts of bleeding. Women have been traumatized by the experience of delivering their own dead baby. Deaths have occurred world-wide from severe infections, which may be due to suppression of the immune system by the chemicals used in the abortion.”
Both bills will take effect 90 days from passage.
Sincere Pro-Lifer to Sincere Abortion Supporter
A couple of years ago, the pro-life organization in which I serve as a volunteer, West Virginians For Life (the statewide affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee) distributed a mailer regarding a then-upcoming election. A seemingly sincere pro-abortion woman, Amanda, sent her response (regarding the mailer) by way of publicly commenting at one of our pro-life websites.
Here is her brief comment and my open reply follows it:
Dear Pro lifers of West Virginia,
I just got your advertisement in the mail today telling me not to vote for Natalie Tennat [sic]. Not only am I voting for Natalie for Senate, but she is the only reason I am going to vote. Your philosophies seem to govern much around religion and your love for the Constitution, but only in so far that they pertain to you. You do not care about the rights of others. The right to an abortion, freedom of and from religion. You do not care about women and how the right to abortion, sex education and birth control is a matter of Public Health.
I believe in your freedom of speech as much as believe in my own. I do not wish anything less, or any ill will. All I ask is you refrain from making laws that do not pertain to yourself. If you don’t want an abortion than [sic] don’t have one, but when you take the access away from women you are causing harm onto them. Also, please refrain from using laws from the Old Testament to define your purpose when you yourself do not follow all the laws. Thank you.
Note: for several points in my reply (below) scholarly support is available in the “40 Years of Roe” symposium video available here.
Dear Amanda
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to the mailer.
Did you know that every time a woman has an abortion, she significantly increases her risk of breast cancer, and significantly increases her risk of future preterm delivery, and significantly increases her chance of a future baby being afflicted with cerebral palsy? Not only does a baby whose heartbeat and brainwaves are detectable lose its life in every abortion (practically all abortions happen after the baby has already reached such a stage of development), but the mother is a victim as well.
Many studies have demonstrated links to not only breast cancer, preterm births, and cerebral palsy, but also depression, suicide, and divorce, just to list a few. In almost all cases, the abortion is done merely for the sake of convenience. Quite often it is done because the mother or father don’t like the gender of the baby, or because they don’t want to raise a child that might have an imperfection or disability (and often the doctors are wrong in forecasting such things). Furthermore, not only do the aforementioned detriments occur, but there is a “dose effect” in that with each repeated abortion, her odds get exponentially worse for having these issues. To watch a free online, scholarly presentation of these issues, click here:
Also, did you know that America’s infatuation with abortion is a result of the racism of the people who conjured this movement? Do you know the real history behind it? Did you know the abortion industry’s biggest player, Planned Parenthood, was once openly known by its earlier name as an American Eugenics organization? Do you know the history and motives of Eugenics? Check out – you can watch a startling documentary for free on here: (or via the site, to watch there, via a free code).
Are you aware that the abortionists use (and have used) targeting of their placement of clinics, and targeting of ads, etc, to increase the abortion rate among ethnic minorities? Did you know that before they got American women to “want” to kill their own children, they took in hand to get policies in place to sterilize American women, and did so, by the many thousands, at times without the women’s consent and sometimes even without their knowledge? And that it was especially targeted against Blacks and native American Indians?
Did you know that abortions also have noted detrimental effects on the fathers of the aborted babies as well?
You seem VERY sincere. Please consider that your accusation that we (as pro-life people) don’t care about the rights of others is simply a mistaken mindset. We care about the right to life, and right to good health, of both the women, the men, and the babies affected by the terrible blight of abortion.
I hope you will take some time to learn more about this crucial topic.
Pastor Doug Joseph
Clarksburg, WV
We’re launching Facebook & Twitter pages for our chapter
We’re happy to announce new Facebook & Twitter pages for our chapter.
Please visit, LIKE and SHARE! Thank you!
Press Release
For immediate release:
March 6, 2017
For More Information:
Karen Cross, Legislative Coordinator 202-200-1973
Mary Anne Buchanan, Comm. Dir. 304-216-6573
Supporters of West Virginians for Life (WVFL) will gather at the Capitol on Monday, March 13, 2017, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for annual Pro-Life Rally Day with the main event, a rally, at noon.
West Virginians for Life is pleased to announce that Senate President Mitch Carmichael and House Speaker Tim Armstead will address the crowd as well as Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and Secretary of State Mac Warner. National Right to Life Political Director/WVFL Legislative Coordinator Karen Cross will speak as well as WVFL President Wanda Franz, Ph.D. Pro-life legislators will be introduced and petitions presented during the rally. Additionally, the winners of the Teen Essay Contest will read their winning entries. Other highlights include special music from the Re:Claim Worship Team, singer Frank Tettenburn, and the annual Prayer Processional with walkers carrying crosses.
West Virginians for Life is working to pass HB 2002/SB 424, the Parents Right to Know Act, which would close loopholes in existing state law that allow abortionists to perform secret abortions on underage girls. These loopholes not only interfere with the rights of parents, they put girls in abusive situations at greater risk.
“Parental involvement laws have been incredibly successful in 30 states across the nation. These laws have not only reduced adolescent abortion rates in the given states from 13 to 19 percent but have also reduced adolescent pregnancy rates,” said WVFL President Dr. Wanda Franz. Furthermore, she said, “They also eliminate the risk for the numerous health problems that are known to follow abortion, especially in teens.”
West Virginians for Life, the state affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee, is the state’s largest pro-life group with more than 30 local chapters. West Virginians for Life works through legislation, education and political action to protect those threatened by abortion, infanticide and euthanasia.