More than two years after its debut, a graphic suicide scene has been cut from the first season of 13 Reasons Why, Netflix announced Monday.
AFA has repeatedly urged Netflix to remove 13 Reasons Why from its lineup since the death of Anna Bright, a 14-year-old who mimicked the suicide scene after binge-watching the first season episodes.
Netflix has come under stronger scrutiny since a report last April showed suicides among U.S. kids aged 10 to 17 spiked to a 19-year high in the month following the release of 13 Reasons Why.
During April 2017 alone, 190 U.S. tweens and teens took their own lives. Their April 2017 suicide rate was .57 per 100,000 people, nearly 30 percent higher than in the preceding five years included in the study. An additional analysis found that the April rate was higher than in the previous 19 years, said lead author Jeff Bridge, a suicide researcher at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.
By pulling the graphic suicide scene, Netflix has finally acknowledged the harmful influence that 13 Reasons Why is capable of inflicting on teens. Along with AFA’s repeated warnings, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention joined the cause by advising Netflix to remove the scene. Finally, they may be listening to common sense.
Netflix is clearly at a critical moment. It has the opportunity to distance its close association with teen suicide by completely removing the series altogether. We hope it will…before another child is lost.
If you haven’t yet, please sign the petition to Netflix. Then,…
Help me warn as many parents as possible about 13 Reasons Why.Despite pleas from pro-family groups to cancel 13 Reasons Why, Netflix is already planning to release Season 3 soon.
Please copy and paste the information below into an email and send it to everyone in your address book, especially those who have teenagers in their home.
I wanted to let you know about a petition that I signed to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings. Through the American Family Association (AFA), I learned of a show called 13 Reasons Why that is airing on Netflix right now.
13 Reasons Why is extremely dangerous and has become a lightning rod for critics who say it glorifies suicide and may even make it an attractive option for teenagers who are enduring difficult times in their lives.
I’m warning my family and friends about 13 Reasons Why and am asking you to learn more at I hope you will take time to read about 14-year-old Anna Bright, who is just one of many who committed suicide after binge-watching 13 Reasons Why.
Then, join me in signing the petition to Netflix, urging them to pull 13 Reasons Why before another teen decides to end their life through suicide.
Thank you for standing for righteousness and for fighting with us on this important issue.

Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association